Laura Ulrich

Small Batch Brewer — Stone Brewing
San Diego, CA
20+ years in the industry
I got my start in the industry thanks to Odell Brewing growing so fast they needed bodies on their bottling line. Working with them in packaging, then cleaning beer lines, they gave me the confidence I needed to head out west. I applied at several breweries in San Diego CA., and no one called me back. After following up with Stone Brewing as to why they hadn’t given me a call about my resume (since I had experience) they decided to give me an interview. I found out later that my very first email address ( was the reason I never received a call back.
19 years later I have held several key positions at Stone Brewing in the brewhouse – Brewery Trainer and Small Batch Brewer are just a few. I’ve operated equipment of all sizes from our 140hl Rolec Brewhouse, to a 23 gallon More Beer Pilot System, and now on our 7bbl Marks Pilot System. Doug Odell once said to me, “I didn’t think you were into beer!” and I responded, “I didn’t think I was either until I got to Stone.”
I was also instrumental in our former barrel program which housed over 400 bourbon and wine barrels and operated a CIMEC packaging line for 500ml line.
In 2007 I met Teri Fahrendorf who changed my life and established the non-profit Pink Boots Society. In 2016 I took over as president and ran the organization until 2020. As a beer judge I enjoy being invited all over the world meeting new people, especially women and non-binary individuals who continue to change the face of our industry.