Erika Carlo

Packaging Lead, Yuengling Tampa Brewery — D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc
Tampa, FL
As a Pennsylvania native, Yuengling was a known household brand that I came to be very familiar with. When the opportunity came to join America’s Oldest Brewery in Tampa, it was the perfect fit for me. I’ve been honored to contribute to the company’s mission to produce exceptional products for consumers to enjoy and for our distributor partners to champion. I love a challenge and constantly set goals for myself to achieve, both at work and in my personal life. For the past seven years, Yuengling has nurtured my drive, helping me to develop both the technical and business side of brewing. I love what I do and seeing our team’s passion and hard work and everyone’s focus on quality and excellence. It makes brewing and distributing beer day in and day out fun, and it’s nice to know that at the end of the day, there is a glass of cold Yuengling goodness waiting for our customers. I think it’s great to see people coming together, and beer provides an opportunity to do that.