Annie Lange

Senior Director of Federal Affairs — Beer Institute
Washington, D.C.
March 2024: March is significant for me because not only is it Women’s History Month, but it commemorates two years back in the beer industry. Since I started, I have made countless coworkers I call friends and learned so many new things about beer. I take pride in working for an industry that spans age and partisanship. Here’s to having a beer!

March 2023: Here for beer! I landed in the beer industry in 2013. After losing a presidential campaign in Boston, I was looking for something I could throw my whole heart into. The National Beer Wholesalers Association allowed me to further my policy experience and dive headfirst into an industry propped up by history and propelled by reverence for the product. After a short break to pursue law school, I found myself craving an opportunity to have fun at work again. The Beer Institute allowed me to jump back into this industry built on sharing a beer with a friend after a long day. I’m happy to be back.