Economic Impact

- Taxable Removals
- Import & Export
- Packaging Mix
- Beer Serves America
The beer industry is a leading job creator and economic powerhouse. The Beer Serves America study from 2022 concluded the industry supports nearly 2.4 million American jobs and contributes more than $409 billion to the U.S. economy.
Unfortunately, the beer industry has seen a dramatic decline both in jobs and sales due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Jobs supported by the beer industry lost in 2020
$20 Billion
Drop in retail beer sales in 2020
1 = 30
One beer industry job is connected to 30 other jobs
Find out how the beer industry in your state has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
- Jobs Lost
- Wages Lost
- Economic Output Decrease
- Sales Decline
Any tax increases on the beer industry would result in additional job losses for brewers, beer importers, and the millions of Americans whose livelihoods depend on the industry.
- Press Release: Beer Institute Praises U.S. Congress and President Trump for Extending COVID Relief to Millions of Americans
- Conservative and liberals agree: Keeping excise tax rates low for brewers and beer importers makes sense
- Beer Institute position on the federal excise tax
- Beer Institute Poll: Americans Want Congress to Make Tax Relief Permanent for Brewers and Importers, Examine Aluminum Market