Beer Institute and NBWA Announce U.S. Beer Industry Contributes $350 Billion to Economy and Creates 2.23 Million Jobs.

Did you know that the beer industry provides jobs to nearly 2.23 million Americans across every state and congressional district? Here is the story of the many professionals that are relied upon in order to ensure that we all can enjoy a beer.
When you think of beer a brewery might come to mind, but that’s not where beer’s story begins – it actually takes more than 491,800 hard working men and women to supply U.S. brewers and importers with everything they need to do their jobs. Beer starts out as barley, corn, rice, hops, yeast, and water before it becomes the delicious beverage that you know and love. Beer packaging begins as aluminum, sand, steel, trees, and other materials before coming together to keep your beer fresh. All of these things and many others need to be produced before your beer ever gets made.
It’s growth among suppliers to the beer industry that allow brewers to make all of the wonderful new innovations that have beer drinkers so excited today. For example, U.S. hop growers have increased their acreage by 34 percent in just the last two years, and more acres mean more jobs for American farmers.
Quick facts on the Beer Industry
Brewers and importers employ 64,745 Americans – many of them in jobs that don’t necessarily spring to mind when you think of beer. At a brewery, you’ll find brewers, naturally, but you’ll also find forklift operators and engineers. Breweries employ microbiologists, human resource professionals, accountants, marketers, dock workers, truck drivers, salespeople, and hundreds of other jobs – each one a critical part of creating your favorite beer.
From the brewery or importer’s warehouse your beer gets carried to market by beer wholesalers spread out across all parts of the country. It takes more than 134,240 American workers to carry your beer to your local retailers, who themselves employ 915,700 Americans.
The household spending of those employed either directly or indirectly by the beer industry ripples through our economy, inducing the creation of jobs for another 621,340 Americans. The people who work in beer buy milk and bread, cars and gas, clothes and shoes. They visit doctors and dentists. They hire lawyers, roofers, plumbers, and even a few economists – and these activities impact every local community throughout the country.
Many of those touched by the beer industry may not even realize it, but if you look closely, beer’s impact can be seen everywhere – fueling the American economy.
Beer’s story doesn’t stop with jobs, of course. The beer industry also contributes over $350 billion to America’s economy, provides $63.5 billion in annual tax payments, and much more.
The next time you are enjoying a refreshing beer on a hot day or at the ballpark remember from the barn to the brewery, in every state and in every congressional district, the beer industry is putting America to work. To learn more please visit